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Looking for straps?
Look no further – our Mystery Packs have you covered. These specially curated packs are designed to surprise and delight, offering a variety of watch straps, whether you prefer leather, rubber, or nylon. With a combined value of £300, these packs are a steal!
Hurry, though! Our Mystery Packs sell out quickly. If you find your lug size in stock, make sure to secure it fast, as we have limited quantities available. Don't miss out on the chance to upgrade your watch collection with our high-quality straps.
Click on this link to get your mystery pack and military mystery packs NOW!

Current Discount Codes
Whether you are looking for a leather, metal, rubber, Military Nylon watch straps or a great deal on one of our watches our exclusive codes will allow you to get a special discount off your order. Simply add the code at the cart and that’s it!
Code | Discount |
WATCHUSEEK | Get 10% discount off strap orders over £50 |
Please always refer to the terms and conditions relating to the individual discount codes.
Strap Sets
As watch nerds ourselves, we know that half the fun of the hobby is trying your watches on different straps. That's why we offer several strap bundles and NATO sets, all of which are available for a significant discount over purchasing the straps individually.
In this set you get 5 straps chosen specifically to pair with the Seiko SPB143. We've also included a pack of our "Skinny Fat" spring bars, that are designed to fit dive watch lugs, as well as the Quick Release Diver's Spring Bars with thicker Seiko-style 1.1mm tips.
This set contains five 20mm straps:
- ZULUDIVER Modern Tropical Style Rubber Watch Strap - Black
- ZULUDIVER Seacroft Waffle FKM Rubber Dive Watch Strap (MKII) - Black
- ZULUDIVER Mayday Sailcloth Padded Divers Watch Strap - Black/Grey
- Vintage Watch Company Military Nylon - Olive Green
- Premium ZULUDIVER Military Herringbone Watch Strap - Grey
These would cost over £198 individually, but you can purchase the set for only £140.
Our Military sets are as follows:
- Set of 5 Premium ZULUDIVER Herringbone Watch Straps - Save £48
- Set of 5 Professional ZULUDIVER Herringbone Watch Straps - Save £40
- Set of 5 Classic ZULUDIVER Military Watch Straps - Save £36
- The Vintage Watch Company Set by Geckota - Save £25
WatchGecko Sale Page
We've also got a dedicated sale page for all our discounted items. This includes items on special promotion, introductory offers, and end-of-line products. We update it all the time so don't forget to check it out regularly, otherwise you might miss out on an absolute bargain!
You can visit the Sale page here.